This Time Last Year . . .

Exactly a year ago, I sent an email out from the last cycle of my mission in Russia:

Monday night we go to the university for a "film club" run by an American, 
who also is an inactive member of the church. We talk in English to the students. 
This week, they did a debate and the topic was: What is more valuable, donating time or money? 

We sat as the mediators. After a wonderful, deep discussion about the benefits of money 
and time for those involved, the teacher concluded by saying how the most important part 
is that donating or being charitable is "not about you." 

After which, Sister Palmer and I were able to testify about our experience here and why we came to Russia to donate time and money. We did not say anything about God or the church, 
but we just testified of the good of service and giving of yourself to others. 
We felt the Spirit so strongly in that classroom. We know the students felt it, too. 

Then, sister Palmer told me that a student went up and talked with her and 
the teacher after class. He sang praises to us for what we are doing here. Then Steve, 
the teacher, goes on and says, "I know quite a bit about what they do here. 
They not only do all these good things, but they also get a lot of opposition 
and persecution for trying to do good."

 It was so wonderful to hear that from people who don't have to tell us we are doing a good job. Sweet experience.


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